
Cats Get Arthritis Too

You may be surprised to know that the majority of cats over the age of 12 years have some degree of arthritis and many cats have quite advanced arthritis by the time they reach their senior years. Arthritis involves a gradual deterioration of articular cartilage within the joints. This gradual deterioration causes secondary inflammation. This is a painful process and cats act completely different from dogs when reacting to pain. They often only give subtle clues that they are painful. Signs of pain from a

Dogs and Arthritis

Arthritis in dogs is one of the most common conditions that we treat. Generally older and larger breed dogs are the most affected. Signs of arthritis can range from subtle changes such as increased sleeping to obvious lameness or trouble getting upstairs or into the vehicle. It is important to note that many owners think that the increased sleeping is due to age and do not realize it is due to pain. Pain from arthritis can range from mild to severe. Some arthritic pain is classed at a higher pain level than
Tagged as: Old Age, Dogs, Arthritis, Lame
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